Britzone Saturday Class & Presidential Inauguration

Britzone Saturday Class & Presidential Inauguration
by Root Team proudly presents: "Journey of Finding You" by Ardini Pironita Kinasih | Head of Operations at INAGRO
Three weeks away from 2020 and you feel like haven"t achieved anything yet? Do you get up in the morning and feel sick with your daily routine? Do you mean to say something but worry about what others might think? Do you suffer from depression? Do you feel lost on what path you should take?
Becoming yourself is to always be in the process of dying to one way of being so that you can become something else. Truly, you never arrive at a destination where you can simply be who you are. You must always be in the process of becoming. In order to seek who you are in the future, let"s make changes on our 2020 plan list by joining our class.
We are also proudly present to you our special event, Britzone Presidential Inauguration 2020. If you want to get to know what Britzone have been through this year and what"s in the next year, come and join our class at:
Location: Library of Ministry of Education and Culture
Date : December 14th, 2019
Time : 10.45 AM - 1PM
Britzone is supported by AtmaGo and Library of Ministry of Education and Culture.
#britzone #britzonebettermentseries #britzonetuesdayclass #britzonelisteningclass #publicspeaking #competentcommunicator #english #komunitasbahasainggris #learningenglish #learnenglishfree #komunitasbahasainggrisjakarta #belajarbahasainggrisgratis
by Root Team proudly presents: "Journey of Finding You" by Ardini Pironita Kinasih | Head of Operations at INAGRO
Three weeks away from 2020 and you feel like haven"t achieved anything yet? Do you get up in the morning and feel sick with your daily routine? Do you mean to say something but worry about what others might think? Do you suffer from depression? Do you feel lost on what path you should take?
Becoming yourself is to always be in the process of dying to one way of being so that you can become something else. Truly, you never arrive at a destination where you can simply be who you are. You must always be in the process of becoming. In order to seek who you are in the future, let"s make changes on our 2020 plan list by joining our class.
We are also proudly present to you our special event, Britzone Presidential Inauguration 2020. If you want to get to know what Britzone have been through this year and what"s in the next year, come and join our class at:
Location: Library of Ministry of Education and Culture
Date : December 14th, 2019
Time : 10.45 AM - 1PM
Britzone is supported by AtmaGo and Library of Ministry of Education and Culture.
#britzone #britzonebettermentseries #britzonetuesdayclass #britzonelisteningclass #publicspeaking #competentcommunicator #english #komunitasbahasainggris #learningenglish #learnenglishfree #komunitasbahasainggrisjakarta #belajarbahasainggrisgratis