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Anggun, A daughter of Mother Prithvi

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As a lady, Anggun C. Sasmi is recognized as International Diva who starts her career from Indonesia. She eventually decided to go beyond her comfort zone to chase her dream becoming professional singer. The thing we can learn from her story is, no matter who you are, what your condition is, as long as you have strong desire and capacity to develop, just do it. Even if people assume our decision as crazy idea, just don't consider it as an ultimate judgement. You have tons of great things inside and surround you. Start everything from dreaming, and end it with actual implementation. In this Kartini moment, I'd like to say that boundaries are just a teaspoon of wasabi you can eat anytime, sometimes you need it to trigger your desire to eat more sushi.

#BZAtmagoGiveaway #KartinisDay

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