Event of the Sewu Children"s Painting Exhibition #6 "COLLABORATION" is ready to be held in Bantul
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The grand event Sewu Children"s Painting Exhibition #6 is ready to be held. The exhibition entitled "COLLABORATION" was sponsored at Sungai Siluk School, Siluk II Selopamioro, Imogiri District, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta.
The "COLLABORATION" exhibition will be opened by teachers, art practitioners, as well as the main curator of ArtJOG Bambang Toko Witjaksono, Saturday (26/10/2024). Meanwhile, the exhibition, which will sponsor thousands of paintings by children, will take place from 26 - 8 November 2024.
Sewu Children"s Painting Exhibition #6 "COLLABORATION" apart from sponsoring thousands of paintings by children, also presents the work of 33 invited artists, namely; Anang Nasichudin, Ari Eko Budiyanto, ArtKrobatik Surabaya, Arya Prima Devara, Bayu Widodo, Boeyan, Cerah Hati Natara, Djoko Susilo, Getlups, Djokn Sulis, Kuart Kuat, Lovehatelove, M. Salafi Handoyo, M. Rofikin, Maretha Miftakhul Hidayah, Masgaga , Maslihar, Mochammad Samba, Okki Noviyanto, Oliviane Azzahwa, Patub Pork, Ratri Inayatul Basyarah, Rismanto, Rofian, Rudy Vouller, Aceng Shakeil Arsenio Abishalanny, Singgih Adhi Prasetyo, Sri Pujiastuti, Trianto Kotrek, Utin Rini, Volans Wisesa, Yana Setiawan, and Yuswantoro Adi.
Exhibition authors M. Salafi Handoyo and Kuart Kuat in their introduction said that the organization of this exhibition was supported by 11 communities, namely; Siluk River School Yogyakarta, AECI Satya Nirmana Foundation Semarang, Merby Club Semarang, Harapan Community Semarang, Friends Walking Yogyakarta, Maretha Hati Natara Foundation Semarang, Omah Sketsa Semarang, PGSD UniversityPGRI Semarang, Rimbun Project Yogyakarta, SMKN 4 Semarang, and Ngudi Waluyo University Ungaran.
Handoyo revealed thousands of paintings by children which in this exhibition are proof of commitment and discipline in doing art together. In the Sewu Painting for Children exhibition #6 "COLLABORATION" it can also be appreciated that the participants expressed their feelings, hopes and views about the world.
"Unifying and paying attention to knowledge outside the arts field such as communication, psychology, mathematics, history, science, digital, in an aesthetic context," said Handoyo.
Furthermore, Handoyo, added that this exhibition was held by Siluk River School - a riverside village - with the aim of bringing art closer and encouraging active participation from the community. Creating a creative ecosystem through a variety of cultures such as in the fields of: education, fine arts, crafts, music, performances and collaborative behavior. So that the knowledge gained is more relevant and applicable. This was taken as an effort to increase public understanding of culture.
“Residents can be directly involved in art both individually and communally to express themselves. Collaboration is the main platform for artists, society, communities, institutions and stakeholders when interacting to build a wider network. "Providing opportunities for audiences to gain information, experience and enjoy art," said Handoyo.Meanwhile, Kuart Kuat said that Sungai Siluk School had succeeded in reading local potential as a basis for planning and implementing the exhibition. In 2024, this will be the sixth event. Meanwhile, the implementation also involves art practitioners, communities, institutions, who are competent and can contribute to the success of this event.
Each of them has similarities in emphasizing artistic experiences that discuss freedom of expression, local culture, ecosystems, biodiversity, and the importance of protecting the environment. To encourage people to actively participate, collaborate and think critically.
"The works of art presented are more practical, interactive, easy to understand and representative," said Kuat.
We, the organizers, appreciate all stakeholders and those who have participated and supported. This support is very important so that cultural programs like this can run.
The "COLLABORATION" exhibition will be opened by teachers, art practitioners, as well as the main curator of ArtJOG Bambang Toko Witjaksono, Saturday (26/10/2024). Meanwhile, the exhibition, which will sponsor thousands of paintings by children, will take place from 26 - 8 November 2024.
Sewu Children"s Painting Exhibition #6 "COLLABORATION" apart from sponsoring thousands of paintings by children, also presents the work of 33 invited artists, namely; Anang Nasichudin, Ari Eko Budiyanto, ArtKrobatik Surabaya, Arya Prima Devara, Bayu Widodo, Boeyan, Cerah Hati Natara, Djoko Susilo, Getlups, Djokn Sulis, Kuart Kuat, Lovehatelove, M. Salafi Handoyo, M. Rofikin, Maretha Miftakhul Hidayah, Masgaga , Maslihar, Mochammad Samba, Okki Noviyanto, Oliviane Azzahwa, Patub Pork, Ratri Inayatul Basyarah, Rismanto, Rofian, Rudy Vouller, Aceng Shakeil Arsenio Abishalanny, Singgih Adhi Prasetyo, Sri Pujiastuti, Trianto Kotrek, Utin Rini, Volans Wisesa, Yana Setiawan, and Yuswantoro Adi.
Exhibition authors M. Salafi Handoyo and Kuart Kuat in their introduction said that the organization of this exhibition was supported by 11 communities, namely; Siluk River School Yogyakarta, AECI Satya Nirmana Foundation Semarang, Merby Club Semarang, Harapan Community Semarang, Friends Walking Yogyakarta, Maretha Hati Natara Foundation Semarang, Omah Sketsa Semarang, PGSD UniversityPGRI Semarang, Rimbun Project Yogyakarta, SMKN 4 Semarang, and Ngudi Waluyo University Ungaran.
Handoyo revealed thousands of paintings by children which in this exhibition are proof of commitment and discipline in doing art together. In the Sewu Painting for Children exhibition #6 "COLLABORATION" it can also be appreciated that the participants expressed their feelings, hopes and views about the world.
"Unifying and paying attention to knowledge outside the arts field such as communication, psychology, mathematics, history, science, digital, in an aesthetic context," said Handoyo.
Furthermore, Handoyo, added that this exhibition was held by Siluk River School - a riverside village - with the aim of bringing art closer and encouraging active participation from the community. Creating a creative ecosystem through a variety of cultures such as in the fields of: education, fine arts, crafts, music, performances and collaborative behavior. So that the knowledge gained is more relevant and applicable. This was taken as an effort to increase public understanding of culture.
“Residents can be directly involved in art both individually and communally to express themselves. Collaboration is the main platform for artists, society, communities, institutions and stakeholders when interacting to build a wider network. "Providing opportunities for audiences to gain information, experience and enjoy art," said Handoyo.Meanwhile, Kuart Kuat said that Sungai Siluk School had succeeded in reading local potential as a basis for planning and implementing the exhibition. In 2024, this will be the sixth event. Meanwhile, the implementation also involves art practitioners, communities, institutions, who are competent and can contribute to the success of this event.
Each of them has similarities in emphasizing artistic experiences that discuss freedom of expression, local culture, ecosystems, biodiversity, and the importance of protecting the environment. To encourage people to actively participate, collaborate and think critically.
"The works of art presented are more practical, interactive, easy to understand and representative," said Kuat.
We, the organizers, appreciate all stakeholders and those who have participated and supported. This support is very important so that cultural programs like this can run.