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Britzone Wednesday Class

11 Des 2019, 18.30 - 11 Des 2019, 18.30
*What it really means to "just be yourself" ?*
By. Wahyudi Jooly Rachman | English Trainer, Captain of Academic for Venus

We hear that statement oftentimes to just be yourself. It sounds like an amazing thing to do, and how many times have we tried to be ourselves? But how many of you have wondered though, what in the world does that mean?

What if someone is a jerk to other people? Is it okay for them to be themselves and continue being a jerk to everyone? How about people who are fearful of being around others or avoiding people? What happened to them? Have you ever wondered that?

Please come today to our free public speaking session, let"s talk about a few things in a "more YOU" way.
Location : The Library of Ministry of Education and Culture | Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 4-5, Jakarta Selatan
- Day/Date: Wednesday, Dec 11th, 2019
- Time: 18.30 - 20.00

Britzone is supported by Atmago and The Library of Ministry of Education and Culture.

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