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Britzone Wednesday Class

22 Jan 2020, 18.30 - 22 Jan 2020, 20.00
Britzone"s Wednesday Class presents:

Dwi Suharyanti | English Enthusiast

In our daily lives, we involve in any kind of conversations from formal to casual that we require to perform our speaking skills to make the message well delivered. But sometimes, we feel like our speaking does not come in coherent way & we struggle to construct our idea in time.

IELTS Speaking Skills surely can help. IELTS is a proficiency that should be mastered for non native English speakers who would like to study or work in English speaking country. And it is graded to see our competency. And of course the skills are not just to answer the test but also surprisingly are applicable in our daily lives.

We are going to have some practices in how to construct your language in speaking with IELTS techniques and make your speaking fabulous.
Come to our class that will be held at:
- Location : The Library of Ministry of Education and Culture | Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 4-5, Jakarta Selatan⁣
- Day/Date: Wednesday, 22 January 2020
- Time: 6.30 - 8.00⁣pm

This class is free and open for public.

Britzone is supported by Atmago, The Library of Ministry of Education and Culture.

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