Britzone Tuesday Class

By. Wahyudi Jooly Rachman || English Trainer, Head of Venus Academic Team.
What comes to mind when you think of grammar? English class and lots of rules? Memorizing parts of speech, like nouns and verbs? Diagramming sentences?
All are valid answers.
Now, why correct grammar is important? Using the correct grammar when you write or speak is important to avoid misunderstandings, and to help the other person you talk to understand you easily. If your English is too full of mistakes, you will slow down communication and conversations, and find it harder to express your ideas and thoughts clearly and concisely.
Of course, most people know this. And it’s the fear of making mistakes that often makes them shy about speaking! But, LET"S PRACTICE!
Location: Library of Ministry of Education and Culture
Date : October 8th, 2019
Time : 18.30 PM - 20:00 PM
Britzone is supported by AtmaGo, Library of Ministry of Education and Culture and Fazzcard.
#britzone #britzonebettermentseries #britzonetuesdayclass #britzonelisteningclass #publicspeaking #competentcommunicator #english #komunitasbahasainggris #learningenglish #learnenglishfree #komunitasbahasainggrisjakarta #belajarbahasainggrisgratis
By. Wahyudi Jooly Rachman || English Trainer, Head of Venus Academic Team.
What comes to mind when you think of grammar? English class and lots of rules? Memorizing parts of speech, like nouns and verbs? Diagramming sentences?
All are valid answers.
Now, why correct grammar is important? Using the correct grammar when you write or speak is important to avoid misunderstandings, and to help the other person you talk to understand you easily. If your English is too full of mistakes, you will slow down communication and conversations, and find it harder to express your ideas and thoughts clearly and concisely.
Of course, most people know this. And it’s the fear of making mistakes that often makes them shy about speaking! But, LET"S PRACTICE!
Location: Library of Ministry of Education and Culture
Date : October 8th, 2019
Time : 18.30 PM - 20:00 PM
Britzone is supported by AtmaGo, Library of Ministry of Education and Culture and Fazzcard.
#britzone #britzonebettermentseries #britzonetuesdayclass #britzonelisteningclass #publicspeaking #competentcommunicator #english #komunitasbahasainggris #learningenglish #learnenglishfree #komunitasbahasainggrisjakarta #belajarbahasainggrisgratis