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Britzone Tuesday Class

21 Jan 2020, 18.30 - 21 Jan 2020, 20.00
Britzone Tuesday Class Team Proudly Presents:

"Speaking Like a News Anchor"
by Ola Najla | News Anchor of Metro TV

Some of us are not naturally born confident. In fact, self-confidence is something that we should all learn to build up and to maintain ceaselessly so that this skill doesn"t diminish.

Self-confidence is a must when it comes to working on a job that requires you to speak in public, such as a news anchor. News anchors have to be mentally ready when people from around the country watch them speaking and giving information, especially when you work for a famous TV station.

So, do you want to know how a news anchor gain that level of confidence in public speaking?

The class will be held at:
- Location: The Library of Ministry of Education and Culture, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 4-5, Jakarta Selatan.
- Day/Date: Tuesday, January 21st, 2020.
- Time: 06.30–08.00 PM.

Britzone is supported by Atmago and The Library of Ministry of Education and Culture.

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