Britzone English Community #BritzoneTuesdayClass

Britzone Tuesday Class by Root Team proudly presents:
“Reading Challenge” By Kustin Ayuwuragil | Head of Root PIC Team Britzone
Now we are going to kick a Reading Challenge era! Do you wonder what kind of challenge is this about?
Reading Challenge aims to challenge yourself to read few books. It can refer to articles, short stories, news, or anything that include reading in the passage.
There are plenty of benefits that you will get from this challenge. For instance, this habit will increase you to read more without picking up the titles or books that you may have not read, and even enrich your vocabularies for IELTS or TOEFL tests.
However, you do not need to worry if you are a passive, you still can challenge your mind to be a reader in this game.
Dare you to accept this challenge? If you do, please come to our class that will be held at:
- Location: The Library of Ministry of Education and Culture | Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 4-5, Jakarta Selatan
- Day/Date: Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019
- Time: 18.30 - 20.00
Britzone is supported by Atmago, The Library of Ministry of Education and Culture, and Fazzcard.
#britzone #britzoneenglishbettermentseries #sahabatperpusdikbud #perpusdikbud #englishcommunity #englishclub #freeenglish #freeenglishcommunity #jakarta #komunitasjakarta #bahasainggris #confident #komunitasbahasainggris #belajarbahasainggris #belajarbahasainggrisgratis #listening #writing #reading #speaking #practicingenglish
“Reading Challenge” By Kustin Ayuwuragil | Head of Root PIC Team Britzone
Now we are going to kick a Reading Challenge era! Do you wonder what kind of challenge is this about?
Reading Challenge aims to challenge yourself to read few books. It can refer to articles, short stories, news, or anything that include reading in the passage.
There are plenty of benefits that you will get from this challenge. For instance, this habit will increase you to read more without picking up the titles or books that you may have not read, and even enrich your vocabularies for IELTS or TOEFL tests.
However, you do not need to worry if you are a passive, you still can challenge your mind to be a reader in this game.
Dare you to accept this challenge? If you do, please come to our class that will be held at:
- Location: The Library of Ministry of Education and Culture | Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 4-5, Jakarta Selatan
- Day/Date: Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019
- Time: 18.30 - 20.00
Britzone is supported by Atmago, The Library of Ministry of Education and Culture, and Fazzcard.
#britzone #britzoneenglishbettermentseries #sahabatperpusdikbud #perpusdikbud #englishcommunity #englishclub #freeenglish #freeenglishcommunity #jakarta #komunitasjakarta #bahasainggris #confident #komunitasbahasainggris #belajarbahasainggris #belajarbahasainggrisgratis #listening #writing #reading #speaking #practicingenglish