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Britzone Class LIVE - Leadership During Pandemic

24 Nov 2020, 12.00 - 24 Nov 2020, 13.30
"Leadership During Pandemic"
by Eldy Taufiq | President of Britzone 2020

In a time of heightened fear and uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, good leadership has never been more critical.
When the situation is uncertain, it can cause leaders taking wrong decision and unnecessarily making people anxious. However, for some leaders this pandemic can also be an opportunity to do things faster and better than ever seemed possible.

Understand the unique abilities required of leaders during a crisis like COVID-19 pandemic by registering yourself now through this link below:

Platform : Zoom Cloud Meeting
Date : Tuesday, 24 November 2020
Time : 19.00 - 20.30 WIB

If you cannot register with that link, that means our seat is full. You can still watch our live streaming class on Britzone Youtube account

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