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Britzone Class LIVE - 2021 Resolution: Improving The Protection of Our Personal Data and Privacy

9 Des 2020, 12.00 - 9 Des 2020, 13.30
*2021 Resolution: Improving The Protection of Our Personal Data and Privacy*

Dinita A. Putri I Researcher

Data privacy has always been important. When data that should be kept private gets into the wrong hands, bad things can happen.

That’s why some people make their Instagram account into private or change their password regularly. But there is more than just making your social media private. There are other steps you can take to help protecting your data.

Let"s find out by joining our class at:
Date: Wednesday, December 9 2020
Time: 07.00 p.m. – 08.30 p.m.
Platform: Zoom Cloud Meeting

If you cannot register with that link, that means our seat is full. You can still watch our live streaming classon Britzone"s Youtube"s through this link

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