Britzone Festival 2021 - Express Yourself!

Calling for all Awesome Britzoners!✨ YOU ARE INVITED TO OUR SPECIAL EVENT! As our promise to you, here it comes, Britzone X Atmago proudly present: BRITZONE FESTIVAL 2021!🎉 Ar…
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We are the Largest English Community in Jakarta — Our classes are now online! Check our IG posts for the schedule @britzoneid —
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Calling for all Awesome Britzoners!✨ YOU ARE INVITED TO OUR SPECIAL EVENT! As our promise to you, here it comes, Britzone X Atmago proudly present: BRITZONE FESTIVAL 2021!🎉 Ar…
Britzone"s Election Commissioners 2020 present: Life as Britzone Entrepreneurship Committees Britzone Entrepreneurship Division Volunteering experience will be extremely benefic…
*2021 Resolution: Improving The Protection of Our Personal Data and Privacy* Dinita A. Putri I Researcher Data privacy has always been important. When data that should be kept pr…
*Write it! How to Start and Finish Your Writing* Winta Hari Arsitowati I Teacher & Author Writing is a form of human communication that involves the representation of a language w…
How English Saved My Life Vitriana Jessica | English Enthusiast Do you need some motivation? Are you wondering why you are working so hard to learn English? This class is here…
Enjoying a Successful Relationship ... With Yourself Putri K. Amelina | Britzone Committee 2020 What distinguish those who thrive in the face of life"s difficulties and professi…
"Leadership During Pandemic" by Eldy Taufiq | President of Britzone 2020 In a time of heightened fear and uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, good leadership has never …
Britzone"s Wednesday class presents: Speak Like Native English Speakers Adriani Putri | Author & Children Book Editor Many people who are learning a foreign language desire to ac…
Britzone"s Tuesday Class presents: Learning to be a Boss by James Leslie Lennon Heitler (Training Consultant) In this lesson we will be learning about communicating at work in En…
Anyone Can Be A Youtuber Leni Kesuma Dewi | Content Creator & Former Broadcaster People all around the world spending hours a day watching videos, making youtube a fantastic platf…
Britzone"s Wednesday Class presents: QUESTION YOURSELF: WHY NOT? by Wahyudi Jooly Rachman | English Tutor Society tells us that we need to follow the rules and live a certain way…
WAYS TO LEARN ENGLISH FROM ZERO by Dicky Chandra (Language Enthusiast) When we"re willing to master something, we must build a strong foundation first. A good foundation helps you…
Commemorating World Cancer Day Supiani Saberi | Entrepreneur Do you know that cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world? Globally, there are 9.6 millions of deaths…
Britzone Tuesday Class proudly presents: Leadership = Ship-leader? by Aldwin Amireza (Founder of @efrunners) Wondering how to lead yourself as a leader but you don"t know how to…
Britzone"s Tuesday Class presents: KNOCK KNOCK! IT"S THE ANSWER FOR YOUR PROBLEMS by Irfani Rahmayanti (Britzone Committee 2020) Everyone has problems in life. For the most part,…
Britzone"s Wednesday Class presents: ADAPTING IELTS SPEAKING SKILL TO DAILY LIFE Dwi Suharyanti | English Enthusiast In our daily lives, we involve in any kind of conversations f…
Britzone Tuesday Class Team Proudly Presents: "Speaking Like a News Anchor" by Ola Najla | News Anchor of Metro TV Some of us are not naturally born confident. In fact, self-conf…
2019 ALTERNATE REALITY Hani Syafaah | Britzone Committe 2020 Do you already have your 2020 resolutions? Did you do the same for 2019? What were your 2019 resolutions? Did you ac…
Britzone Saturday Class & Presidential Inauguration by Root Team proudly presents: "Journey of Finding You" by Ardini Pironita Kinasih | Head of Operations at INAGRO Three weeks…
*What it really means to "just be yourself" ?* By. Wahyudi Jooly Rachman | English Trainer, Captain of Academic for Venus We hear that statement oftentimes to just be yourself. It…